Zurich's Street Parade
Todd and I checked out the Street Parade yesterday. Initially, we were a little skeptical. Everyone had warned us about the size and the noise. In fact, many locals had planned on leaving Zurich for the weekend and did. And when Todd and I went out for dinner in the Old Town area on Friday night and didn't see many people, we thought, "this is no big deal." Well, somewhere between 10 pm on Friday and noon on Saturday, they showed up. Approximately, one million of them. They came with their techno music and "creative" costumes -- many of which included very little in actual material (as you can see by the photos). The parade was not so much a parade in the traditional sense as it was a collection of big trucks filled with scantily clad people dancing to the beats of an on-board DJ pumping out techno music. The parade started at 3 and ended at 10. The parties then migrated to local bars that sponsored various DJs and became expanded clubs for the night. And in true Zurich form, the mess was all cleaned up by morning. If we didn't take pictures, Todd and I would wonder if it had ever happened.
I'm not sure. Through beer googles, they both seemed to be women. But, the picture does cast some doubt.
What I do know for sure is, Katheen wanted my picture with them. Oohhh, the things we men have to do to keep our wives happy.
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pics are a great addition to the blog. how about adding a few short movie clips?
this takes on a new meaning of "prade" I don't think we could pull one of these off in Fayetteville! Nice to have such fun experiences.
Glad you keep us up todate.
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