19 September, 2005

Talk Is Sheep

While hiking near the Matterhorn, we came across this group of chatty locals. It gave Todd the perfect opportunity to try out his new language skills. Thankfully, KZ had her video enabled digital camera to capture the conversation.

Click here to view video.

18 September, 2005

Kathleen - Living Proof That Sh** Happens

We went to Art Basel in June. It featured over 270 of modern and contemporary art galleries from around the world; and works by 2,000 artists were on display. The New York Times has called Art Basel the “Olympics of the Art World”. Despite all the highbrow activity, Todd and I still managed to bring some lowbrow humor to the event. Surprised? Thought not. Pictured here is one of the outdoor installations in front of the main exhibition hall. A fiberglass construction, this was named "Bar Anus." And for those who are curious, they actually served drinks in there. We were unwilling, though, to sample the liquid beverages. Maybe next year.

Check Mate

To add to Emily's photo collection of why women don't take men on vacation.

17 September, 2005

"Don't Bug Me. I'm A Designer!"

Yes, that's Todd. And yes, he's pictured here assembling curtains for our flat. A skill that had not come out in all our years of knowing each other. Turns out that it is customary to move into a Swiss apartment without any window treatments or lighting fixtures. So when we moved into our place which has huge windows, we had quite a job in front of us. It turned out to be an even bigger issue since our windows were not quite standard curtain sizes. But Todd's creativity, we found, was not limited to advertising. He solved the problem of having curtains that were too long by creating a valance (a word that he did not know before he figured this out) at the top of the curtain. A job well done! When asked how he felt about his craftsmanship, Todd replied (with beer in hand), "Slightly emasculated."

This Honky Digs Tronky